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Travel > Hotels > Gay Hotels > Anco Hotel

Welcome to Anco Hotel

Leather men's Hotel & Bar

The Anco hotels has 14 rooms, and is located in a caracteristic, renovated building of 1640.

If it's nice and sunny, sit down on the stairs amidst a beautifull day for a minute, and look at the passers by, as you are also in the middle of the Red Light district.

It used to be famous for it's large dorms, but nowadays it has descent, renovated rooms, ranging from Eur. 43 to Eur. 135. You can also book a dorm with 4.' nowrap>Leathermen right in the centre; it's located right at the Oudezijds Voorburgwal, which is the canal behind Warmoesstraat (the leather area).

The Anco hotels has 14 rooms, and is located in a caracteristic, renovated building of 1640.

If it's nice and sunny, sit down on the stairs amidst a beautifull day for a minute, and look at the passers by, as you are also in the middle of the Red Light district.

It used to be famous for it's large dorms, but nowadays it has descent, renovated rooms, ranging from Eur. 43 to Eur. 135. You can also book a dorm with 4.


Category: Hotel
Address: Oudezijdsvoorburgwal 55
Amsterdam Gay Map

Gay Map: Nr. 22

City: Amsterdam
Rates: single from Eur. 65, double from Eur. 90

Phone: +31 (0) 20 6241126
Smoking rooms Available Smoking rooms available
Non-smoking rooms Available Non-smoking rooms available


Available are double rooms with shared showers/ wc's, single rooms with shared amenities, or a 3 to 4 bed dorm with shared ameneties.

If you want some more luxury, there's the studio with a mini kitchen, private bathroom and broadband internet. Breakfast included, and available till 11:30.
It's also a great hotel to book with a (larger) group, as it has a great bar with it.


It's located on the Oude Zijds voorburgwal, a beautifull canal overlooking the Oude Kerk, Amsterdam's oldest church. It's also the canal right behind the Warmoesstraat, and in the midst of the red light district. Nice shopping is also close by.

Address: Oudezijds Voorburgwal 55

Nearest Gay Areas: warmoesstraat, Centralstation

From CS Area: 5 min walk

From Airport: As the Anco hotel is at 5 minutes walk from Central Station, it's easiest to take a train from the Airport to Central Station (very good connection)

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User Comments (2 comments):


Youssef by Youssef on 2007-12-07    send a message

nice and lovely hotel sincere akiyoussef Ben


by nahkpyx on 2002-09-13

Nice and friendly place in the best possible location. Reasonable price, enjoyable breakfasts. Very quiet during the week.

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